The path to becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist in New Jersey
According to NJ’s regulations for MFTs, “an applicant for licensure shall have a minimum of a master's degree in marriage and family therapy, a master's degree in social work or a graduate degree in a related field.” Please click here to learn about current MFT programs offered in NJ. After earning a master’s degree, graduates become eligible for the associate MFT license (LAMFT) and are considered pre-clinical fellows. Pre-clinical fellows are encouraged to review the regulations to become familiar with the application process for the LAMFT and the LMFT.
An applicant for licensure is expected to earn post graduate experience practicing marriage and family therapy under an approved supervision before becoming eligible to take the national MFT exam. Applicants need to earn a total of two calendar years of supervised marriage and family therapy experience (1500 hrs/year= 3000 hours) and one calendar year (1500 hrs) of counseling experience. Once again, we recommend you review the regulations to understand the breakdown of these hours. Don’t forget your internship hours during graduate school count towards your one calendar year of counseling experience!
The National Exam
After the NJ MFT Board of Examiners verifies your supervised post graduate experience, you will receive a notification granting permission to take the national MFT exam. Please click here to learn more about the national exam. Exam takers are encouraged to review the exam handbook to become familiar with the exam expectations and rubric.
NJ Division of Consumer Affairs
The State Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Examiners
One of NJAMFT’s roles is to advocate for the interest of MFT professionals on the state and local level. The board of MFT examiners oversee the application process for all applicants trying to obtain licensure as well as the regulations set forth in New Jersey. They are also responsible for protecting the public by enforcing the professional code of conduct. Please click here to learn more about the board.
All application forms for the LAMFT and the LMFT can be found here.
Statutes & Regulations
It is good practice for any NJ MFT to frequently review the current statues and regulations to remain up to date with current legal standards, which can be found here.
NJAMFT is happy to answer any questions regarding the licensure process. Be on the look out for notifications about our path to licensure workshop. The workshop is highly recommended, especially for pre-clinical fellows and MFT supervisors interested in clarifying any misunderstandings regarding the licensure process.